Beauty Tips
Properly caring for your Sisterlocks is vital to ensure your locks grow properly. When washing your locks, ensure you are using products made specifically for Sisterlocks and follow these 5 steps:
1. Bundle locks into sections for extra protection. Braid each section, tuck the ends, and secure with a rubberband or small scrunchie(See image above).
2. Wet hair thoroughly using moderate water pressure.
3. Apply Sisterlocks starter shampoo directly to scalp around and through each bundle.
4. Use a gentle washing motion in only one direction.
5. Rinse and dry with a towel. Undo bundles and separate locks.
A common way of styling your locks is to use traditional hair rollers. In ensure the locks achieve a good curl, lightly dampen the hair and roll the locks using traditional hair rollers. Leave the rollers in place until the hair is completely dry.
Check out these links for more styling ideas:
Also, since Sisterlocks is your natural hair, other methods such curling irons and flat irons can be used.
It is recommended you wait until your hair has completely locked before adding color to your locks. Adding color to your Sisterlocks can really add uniqueness to your look. Before attempting to add color/dye to your locks, contact a consultant to determine the best method for your locks. As there are many different dying products, a consultant can help you find a quality product that will give you the color your desire without damaging your locks.
How to create Bantu Knots
In this video, JoJo from demonstrates one technique for creating Bantu Knots with your Sisterlocks.
For more tips and ideas for styling your Sisterlocks, subscribe the YoutTube channel CurlyNuGrowth.